Book Review: Christmas Voices by Claire Musters

Dear Friend,

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this small, special Advent Devotional and so I am recommending it here to you.

The twenty-five devotions are separated into five weekly themes on The Promise, The Preparation, Joy, Peace and Love.

The daily reflections written by Claire are thought provoking, encouraging and challenging. Each day there is also a passage of Scripture to read, and Claire finishes each devotion with a prayer.

What makes this devotional unique, in my eyes, are the voices of many others shared within the pages of this book. We hear which carol, or poem, or prayer is special to them and why it has a special place in their hearts. We hear from people such as Mags Duggan, Carl Beech and Pam Rhodes.

I love to sing carols at Christmas time (often starting very early in November!), but I don’t always concentrate on the words of the carol. Having the words of various carols within this book meant that I slowed down to really read the words. There are some wonderful truths within these carols that I had never noticed before. It has encouraged me to explore more of the carols we sing and really take note of the words I am singing and the truth that is proclaimed in verse.

This is a book which can be read daily throughout December and which can help us to focus on the one Christmas is all about and all that his birth means for us today. Or you may like to take time each day just to dip in and out of this book.

This book, again in my opinion, is a great size and has a lovely cover, which makes it so inviting. Just looking at it makes you want to open it. You could also leave it on a coffee table in your living room so that it is accessible to any visitors you have over this season, who might like to take a look within its pages.

I received a free copy of this book from BRF in return for an honest review.

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