Cultivating Gratitude

Dear Friend,

I have kept a journal for most of my life. I don’t write in it everyday, just the significant things which happen. I write about the good times my family and I go through, and I also write about the times when life is hard. I use my journal to pour out my heart to God and to help me process things. I find it helpful for my well being and good for my relationship with God. It’s great to look back over my journal to review my life and to see where God has brought change, and to celebrate the joys.

Then, in April, I started a new practice. Ultimately it came from God, but he chose to gain my attention through a Facebook post from Sheridan Voysey. Sheridan enjoys journalling and he was encouraged by a few friends of his to keep a journal which would specifically focus on his relationship with God. He has called his journal “Journal of Divine Friendship”.

I sensed God telling me to choose one of my, as yet unused, notebooks and create a “Gratitude Journal.”

Jason and I, for a few years now, have been going through a hard season, and just when we thought life couldn’t get any worse, it did! As a result, my journalling was predominantly pouring my heart out to God about the struggles and difficulties we faced. Jason and I were feeling quite stuck in a number of ways. We had lost our church family, Jason was not in work, and then overnight my Dad had a catastrophic (the consultant’s words, not mine) stroke, I became my Mum’s carer and my Dad has now been moved into a nursing home to receive 24/7 care.

When life is hard (as it is for us all at one time or another) it’s so easy to become blinkered and just see all the rubbish that is happening around us. That’s where my focus can be and I can often forget to take my eyes off my circumstances and focus on God.

My “Gratitude Journal” is helping me to do just that. By writing in it the things, big and small, that I am grateful for, my perspective changes and my mental and emotional well being improves. My journal entries have included visiting Dad in the nursing home and making Rice Krispies chocolate cakes with him. Some amazing feedback Jason had received from someone who had stayed at Penhurst Retreat Centre (where Jason is working). And the huge news that our son and daughter-in-law are expecting a baby.

I know some people who follow the practice of finding three things to be grateful for at the end of the day. I began this, but didn’t keep it up for very long. My gratitude journal gives me more flexibility so I can write in it as and when I want to. It’s great to look back over and see all the good things God has been doing in my life, despite it still being a struggle at times.

I’m aware that Jason and I are also feeling less “stuck” now as we have found a church which is starting to feel like family and Jason also has a new role at Penhurst Retreat Centre. All of which is, of course, noted in my gratitude journal.

My Gratitude Journal is helping me to cultivate gratitude within me. What can you do to cultivate gratitude within you?

Cultivating gratitude is helping me to:

Become more aware of God’s presence in my life.

Become more aware of God’s goodness and that he loves to give good things to his children.

Have more joy in my life.

“The root of joy is gratefulness…It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” Brother David Steindl-Rast (A Benedictine Monk)

Give God more praise and thanks.

To Think About

In what ways can you cultivate gratitude within your spirit? What are the practical things you can do?

If you already practice gratitude, what have been the benefits for you?

I’d love to hear from you how you practice gratitude and what the results are.

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